• 2
  • Sep'24
<p style="text-align: justify;"><span class="ui-provider ed bbb bbc bbd bbe bbf bbg bbh bbi bbj bbk bbl bbm bbn bbo bbp bbq bbr bbs bbt bbu bbv bbw bbx bby bbz bca bcb bcc bcd bce bcf bcg bch bci" dir="ltr">Inter-School Cultural Competition, held on the 2nd of September 2023, was a resounding success, bringing together talent and creativity from various schools in the region.<br /> This annual event, hosted by our school, aimed to foster cultural exchange, promote artistic expression, and encourage healthy competition among students.<br /> The competition featured a diverse range of cultural activities, including dance, music, &lsquo;Shipwreck&rsquo;, t-shirt painting and &lsquo;Ad zap&rsquo;. Students from more than 15 participating schools displayed their exceptional skills and talents, captivating the audience with mesmerizing performances. Ms. Preetha Renjini, a high-spirited versatile dancer presided as the Chief Guest. Ms. Renjini is also the founder of Sree Natyalaya School of Fine Arts, S. Kolathur. She graciously offered to render a short and elegant dance performance thereby enlightening our aspiring participants. Of some of the participating schools such as GTA Vidya Mandir, San<br /> Academy, PSBB Millennium and DAV, Nellai Nadar School secured the highest score and gloriously bagged the overall &nbsp;first prize!</span></p>
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