Are our school students prepared for an Artificial Intelligence driven world?

''It is interesting to point out that we are at a unique point of time in history, when so many unprecedented changes are taking place all around us.

 Autonomous Electric cars, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Robotics etc., are set to revolutionize the way we live. These are exciting times with future looking so amazing.''

                                                                                                            Ramana Prasad

                                                                        Chairman Robotix | BVM

                                                                                                            June 2019

Artificial intelligence has already begun disrupting entire industries, and it’s poised to completely transform the way we live and the way we work and will change the complete landscape of countries and societies.

Artificial intelligence is expected to fuel the global digital economy and thus has gained geo strategic importance.

What are some everyday uses of AI?

Today, Artificial intelligence powers
1. The Photo editor on smart phones
2. Amazon’s Alexa and Amazon’s recommendation’s engine
3. Smart home devices to adjust the temperature, lighting based on our preferences
4. Google Translate
5. Netflix : to help find the find the music and media that you want. Over time, it learns based on your selections and then provides recommendations for you to add to your playlist.

6. Corsalite the On Line test preparation portal for IIT JEE & NEET 

7. and the list goes on …..

Artificial Intelligence is used so much in our everyday lives, we need to make sure that our students understand its impact and potential for the future of work and learning.

A recent Gartner report predicts one in five workers will have some form of artificial intelligence as a co-worker.

Forrester predicts by 2021, automation technology will account for the work of nearly 4.3 million humans worldwide. 

''Twenty years ago, having computer skills was special. Now having computer skills is commonplace. Twenty years from now, understanding AI will be commonplace.''


Yiannis Papelis,
Professor & Director
VR and Robotics Lab
Virginia USA

No society can afford to be left behind : if we don’t equip our school students with the requisite AI skills, the digital divide will widen and leave these future citizens culturally and economically behind. 

These disruptive technologies offer unparalleled opportunities for risk takers and innovators.

And therefore we believe that this must be addressed at the school level & not at the college or at career stage, by which time it may already be too late.

Also by the time most of today’s K-12 students enter the workforce, AI would be well established.

That’s why Artificial Intelligence needs to become part of basic technology literacy as part of school curriculum.

In order to compete in a fast changing world, K-12 schools will therefore need to create curriculum around artificial intelligence. 

 ''What we really want is for kids to understand the power of this tool and find ways to use it that we wouldn’t have thought of.''

Hall Davidson,
Senior Director
Discovery Education

Artificial Intelligence should be a critical element of any school’s STEM curriculum. 

In order to prepare K12 students for an AI driven world, we feel that every school  should offer AI learning curriculum to their students.

Author : Ramana Prasad |  Chairman Robotix | BVM